Judith-Maria Blomsterberg
Musikerrepræsentant │ Født 1975
Judith-Maria Blomsterberg
Medlem af bestyrelsen siden 2024
Judith-Maria Blomsterberg er principal cellist i Concerto Copenhagen, og medlem af den norske gruppe Barokksolistene.
- Repræsentant for Concerto Copenhagens Musikere.
- Bachelor- og kandidatgrad i barokcello fra Det Kongelige Konservatorium i Haag, Nederlandene
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We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.
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We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.
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We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.