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Poul Høxbro tells the story from "The Morning We Were Shepherds" and plays English and French Baroque music together with an ensemble of musicians from Concerto Copenhagen.
After the concert, Tea Bendix shows drawings from the sketching process and talks about drawing music and working with children's books.

J. Playford: Young's Delight
J. B. Lully: Chaconne (G) from Trio de la Chambre du Roi, LWV 35
J. Aubert: Amuzette, Op. 14 No. 4
J. Playford: The English Dancing Master
J. B. Lully: From Trio de la Chambre du Roi, LWV 35

Poul Høxbro tells the story from "The Morning We Were Shepherds" and plays English and French Baroque music together with an ensemble of musicians from Concerto Copenhagen.
After the concert, Tea Bendix shows drawings from the sketching process and talks about drawing music and working with children's books.

J. Playford: Young's Delight
J. B. Lully: Chaconne (G) from Trio de la Chambre du Roi, LWV 35
J. Aubert: Amuzette, Op. 14 No. 4
J. Playford: The English Dancing Master
J. B. Lully: From Trio de la Chambre du Roi, LWV 35

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October 19, 2018
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Idea, musical organization and galoubet et tambourine: Poul Høxbro Text and drawings: Tea Bendix Fredrik Bock - lute


  • This event has already been held.


Poul Høxbro tells the story from "The Morning We Were Shepherds" and plays English and French Baroque music together with an ensemble of musicians from Concerto Copenhagen.
After the concert, Tea Bendix shows drawings from the sketching process and talks about drawing music and working with children's books.

J. Playford: Young's Delight
J. B. Lully: Chaconne (G) from Trio de la Chambre du Roi, LWV 35
J. Aubert: Amuzette, Op. 14 No. 4
J. Playford: The English Dancing Master
J. B. Lully: From Trio de la Chambre du Roi, LWV 35